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This is self supporting FRP Ladder. This is heavy duty fiberglass step ladder for domestic as well as industrial applications. Our standard size Trade FRP ladders are 3step, 5step & 7step..

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Ladder LMT 2103 LMT 2104 LMT 2105 LMT 2106 LMT 2107
Front Rear Stile : FRP - Glass Fiber FRP - Glass Fiber FRP - Glass Fiber FRP - Glass Fiber FRP - Glass Fiber
Size of FRONT Stile : 80x28.5x3.0mm 80x28.5x3.0mm 80x28.5x3.0mm 80x28.5x3.0mm 80x28.5x3.0mm
Size of REAR Stile : 38.5x29x3.5mm 38.5x29x3.5mm 38.5x29x3.5mm 38.5x29x3.5mm 38.5x29x3.5mm
Steps : Antiskid Aluminum Alloy Antiskid Aluminum Alloy Antiskid Aluminum Alloy Antiskid Aluminum Alloy Antiskid Aluminum Alloy
Size of Steps : 81x39x1.5mm 81x39x1.5mm 81x39x1.5mm 81x39x1.5mm 81x39x1.5mm
Spacing Bet Steps : 280 mm 280 mm 280 mm 280 mm 280 mm
Closed Up Size(Approx) : 1117x452x154mm 1396x497x154mm 1676x520x154mm 1956x561x154mm 2235x589x154mm
Height of Top(Approx) : 993mm 1250mm 1511mm 1771mm 2029mm
Opening width(Approx) : 793mm 973mm 1146mm 1328mm 1499mm
No. of Steps : 3 4 5 6 7
Weight(Approx) : 5.1kg 6.1kg 7.26kg 8.3kg 9.4kg
Max. Load Cap. : 110kg 110kg 110kg 110kg 110kg
  • Restrict ladder usage to the purpose for which the ladder is designed. Never exceed the maximum safe working load of the ladder.
  • Store in areas protected from direct sunlight. Never use damaged ladder for climbing.
  • Self supporting ladder such as trade ladder & platform ladder are not to be used as single ladders, that is , in the closed position.
  • Keep both feet on the ladder – never put one foot on a rung/step and the other foot on a different surface.
  • A non-self-supporting ladder such as an extension or single ladder, needs to be erected a minimum of one to three feet above the top support point when using for access to a roof or other work level.
  • Do not step on any rung above the upper support point since this could cause the ladder to slip.
  • Place your ladder on a stable, even, flat surface. Never place a ladder on top of another object.
  • On a ladder or step ladder, do not over load it. The person and anything they are taking up should not exceed the highest stand on the ladder.
  • On a ladder don’t move them while standing on the rungs/steps.
  • Beware of electrical hazards. This is rated electrically isolating for standard utility voltages.
  • Do not stand or sit on plastic top cover in trade and platform ladder.
  • Always keep a secure grip. Do not use the steps if you feel tired or ill or if you suffer from vertigo or if you have recently taken alcohol.
  • Wear firm flat shoes.
  • For more information, please refer


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Duis sed dapibus orci. Nam facilisis lorem a arcu aliquet placerat. Nulla nec velit lacus. Pellentesque rhoncus dolor vel magna egestas, vitae efficitur justo tempor. Proin non est libero. Mauris id semper dolor, in posuere purus. Ut non malesuada metus. Aliquam at ornare quam, ut vestibulum erat. Quisque ultrices, dolor sit amet maximus fermentum, urna risus ultrices tellus, mollis tincidunt arcu tellus a leo. Sed augue lorem, elementum nec interdum et, tristique eu magna. In at scelerisque ex, ut suscipit felis. Nulla suscipit lectus quis ornare tincidunt. Nunc vel luctus turpis. Cras tristique, orci non gravida ultrices, risus dui semper ante, ac euismod quam tortor a orci. Nullam sit amet quam vel massa ultricies mattis eu eget lorem. Cras aliquet volutpat aliquet.



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